Heat Pumps Ireland

Hybrid Energy Group are your local distributor for the Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan Heat Pumps in Ireland

As a market leader in commercial and domestic renewable solutions, Mitsubishi Electric is a pioneer in the development of renewable heat pump technology that offers improved energy efficiency and meets tough legislation. Heat pump technology has been used around the world for decades and Mitsubishi Electric have developed this technology to produce Ecodan – one of the most advanced, efficient heating systems available today. Talk to our team today about installing a heat pump in your home or business. Call 049 4355054

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Using Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan heat pumps technology to deliver effective, low carbon heating and hot water, Mitsubishi Electric’s award winning Ecodan systems provide a simple, renewable solution that rivals traditional heating systems.

The Ecodan Air Source Heat Pumps are self contained units available in small or large sizes, and only require water and electric connections. These smart units are suitable for both the domestic and commercial markets. Fully operational with outside temperatures as low as -20C, and with 2-zone energy efficient space heating control.

We work closely with Mitsubishi to ensure we are giving our customers the best product sized accordingly for their individual needs creating cost savings and energy efficiency. We can now deliver our various heat pumps throughout Ireland. Talk to our team about installing a heat pump and reducing your energy costs.

Benefits of Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan Heat Pumps for the Irish market.

  • Save on heating bills
  • Low Maintenance
  • Quiet to run
  • Can be placed outside the home
  • Reduce your Carbon Footprint
  • Comfortable indoor environment
  • Easy to control you indoor temperature, and sustain it all day and night

Grants Available

The Heat Pump Systems Grant is now available for homeowners from Sustainable Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Click Here For More Information

To enquire about our products or to help us to provide you with a Heat Pump Quotation, please click below

Enquire about our products

How do heat pumps work?

Heat pumps work by transferring heat from a compressor to a heat exchanger using a refrigerant (R32). They can extract heat from the air, ground, or water, depending on the type
of heat pump.

In a typical air-source heat pump:

  1. A fan draws air through an evaporator coil containing the refrigerant. The refrigerant absorbs heat from the outside air, turning into a low-pressure gas.
  2. The compressor then raises its temperature and pressure.
  3. The hot refrigerant gas flows through a heat exchanger where the heat is exchanged
    from gas to water.

How Air Source Heat Pumps Work

An Air Source Heat Pump works on electricity with a compressor.

Everyone has a heat pump in their house which is their fridge, and it does the opposite to a heat pump, it does cooling.

There are a range of different sizes of heat pumps. The size of the heat pump required depends on the size of the house and more importantly the heat loss figure of the house.

Is a heat pump the most energy efficient solution for my new build or retrofit?

Heat Pumps are the most cost-effective heating solution for your new build to achieve your A2 target.

The benefits are:

  1. Efficiency: Heat Pumps are the most energy efficient heat source on the market today. A heat pump sized and installed correctly will reduce your energy consumption and operating costs over time.
  2. Reduced Carbon Emissions: Heat Pumps are a cleaner greener way of heating your home through the use electricity. Lowering your carbon emissions and playing your part for our environment.
  3. Situation: Heat pumps can be installed outside within close proximity of your home or mounted on a wall to relieve space around your home.
  4. Savings: The upfront cost of installing a heat pump may be higher than conventional heating systems but the long-term savings on your energy bills will outbalance your investment. This makes heat pumps an option that is cost effective for retrofit projects and new builds.
  5. Comfort of Living: Heat pumps provide constant hot water and heating throughout your home along with an exceptional comfort of living with thermostats zoning your home living and bedroom as living area is 21 degrees and bedroom areas is 18/19 degrees. Whatever you decide
  6. Heat Pump with Solar PV: Heat pumps can be combined with Solar PV (Photovoltaic) which are panels that produce electricity from light and brightness. For every one unit of electricity produced from Solar PV used by your heat pump gives you three units of heat.

Heat pumps are a modern, sustainable and an efficient solution for producing hot water and heating for your new home or retrofit project.

What heat pumps do we recommend?

We choose Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pumps.

The benefits are:

The are easy to install and wire.

For a retrofit project with radiators upstairs and downstairs it can be zoned quite easily. Wireless thermostats can be used as part of the Mitsubishi Electric heat pump system which leave less disruption in your home.

The Mitsubishi Electric heat pump can be also connected to your phone to control your heating and hot water.

By contacting one of our Mitsubishi Electric engineers will help determine the best heat pump solution for a specific retrofit project.

Heat Pumps Grants

There is a substantial heat pump grant available from SEAI at present.
SEAI have made available a grant of €6500.00 for a heat pump retrofit on any home built before 2021.

All homeowners whose homes were built and occupied before 2021 can apply. This is defined as the date your electricity meter was installed.
To qualify for a heat pump, grant your home must have sufficiently low heat loss. This is to ensure your heat pump system performs well and your electricity bills are not too high.

You will need to get a technical assessment completed before any work starts.

We will be delighted to advise you and help you on this journey in any way we can.
You can email our office at info@hybridenergygroup.ie or call us on 049 4355054.