St. Michael’s Centre is a community run centre where members of the community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information and other purposes.

We play a big involvement in The Cavan SEC Community and together we approached the committee of St. Michael’s Centre about the scheme and what there was to offer them.

The Cavan SEC Community was able to secure a Better Energy Community Grant of 30% for this project which would consist of the replacement of all the old inefficient lighting fixtures to new LED Lighting fixtures and for the full centre to be fully insulated.

  • Saving Energy
  • Creating a warmer brighter environment for all members of the community
  • Enhance the appearance of the community centre

The old inefficient lighting fixtures were replaced with new efficient LED Lighting fixtures in the main hall, the ladies toilets, the gent toilets  and the kitchen and outside.

The LED lighting will reduce St. Michael’s centres lighting bills by 60% per annum and require virtually no maintenance for up to 10 years.

Current Wattage:                     1926.00

Proposed Wattage:                    787.00

Annual Energy Saving (kWh)     2367.00

“We were delighted to work along with The Cavan SEC Community on this project and be able to help this community upgrade the lighting in this wonderful facility that they have.  The new LED Lighting will not only reduce energy consumption and lower utility expenses but will also minimize maintenance and operational costs for the community.” Micheal Smith – M&C Hybrid Energy Ltd.